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Can't make it to an EQL workshop but want to experiment at home?


This series at Virginia Avenue Park includes three EQL kits dropping every other Saturday starting, May 14.  The dates are May 14, May 28 and June 11. Experimental Quesadilla Lab Kits bring together the best of Los Angeles' quesadilla possibilities into one box so you don't have to sit in traffic just to get your favorite tortillas or that one special cheese.


This series of three EQL kits will feature alternative and traditional cheeses, tortillas and experimental condiment/quesadilla stuffing items found around Santa Monica, particularly in the Pico Neighborhood area. Access to healthy foods can vary from neighborohood to neighborhood and through each week's lab kit, we will explore the neighborhood specific options for adapting and maintaining the recipe to one of California's favorite snacks, the quesadilla. 


This series kits feature local vendors like Lady and Larder, Tortillas Mejorado, Whole Foods (I know it's corporate but it's Virginia Avenue Park's closest grocery store so let's see what they've got) and more (still open to suggestions). Some of the business owners will be guest speakers at the Experimental Quesadilla Lab workshops. 


Thanks to the Art of Recovery, an initiative by the City of Santa Monica Cultural Affairs, EQL food kits will be given to the first 30 participants at each Experimental Quesadilla Lab workshop. We know not everybody can join us for a workshop and we apreciate your support of the project by purchasing an EQL lab kit. 

Experimental Quesadilla Lab Kit

  • LA area pickup and delivery only!

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